Local businesses pitch in for children’s charity

NIK_3380On the 2nd July 2014 Kenyan School Fund, an Ipswich based charity that provides vital education to primary aged Kenyan children, hosted their first golf day at Hintlesham Golf Club.

The day arranged by Pound Gates and supported by Prettys and Ensors saw key decision makers from businesses across East Anglia participate to raise over £5,500 for the charity.

The amount raised is about 25% of the anticipated costs to build a new primary school in Nyiera village in the west of Kenya. Kenyan School Fund can now proceed with this project with confidence that they can achieve the result and bring educational opportunities for up to many children, while providing a significant foundation for the wider community where the school will be based.

Kevin Collins, Managing Director of Pound Gates & Trustee of Kenyan School Fund, said: “On behalf of Sophie Hendin and I as trustees of the charity I would like to say a huge thank you for the support we received for our golf day. The money raised will allow us to begin the first stage of our building project in Lake Victoria providing vital education to Kenyan children.”

Click here to see pictures from the day.